Administer exams efficiently and secure

Seamlessly distribute exams across multiple organizations, schools, and companies with the exam platform of Remindo.
Trusted by a wide range publishing houses and exam suppliers

Gain insights into test quality

Our comprehensive analytical tools provide instant insight into question quality and participant performance, ensuring your exams maintain high standards and enabling easy reporting on pass rates.

Optimize exam delivery

With Remindo's exam platform, you can seamlessly distribute assessments across multiple organizations, schools, and companies.

Each institution receives a customized exam environment, giving you complete control over design and content. This simplifies developing specific test matrices and delivering them to the appropriate target audience.

Save time and effort

Remindo handles planning entirely, saving time and effort by allowing schools or clients to manage this process themselves.

With a clearly defined role structure, you can easily reach the right people without unnecessary distractions, allowing everyone involved to concentrate on their core tasks. This leads to a more efficient and effective exam process.